Friday, November 12, 2010

How Many Calories In A Packet Of Cheese Mckoys


Shots memory. O good evidence to blackmail of any kind. One thing is certain: the pictures of the celebrations Arcore, those characterized by Bunga Bunga there are indeed. Are you sure the king of the paparazzi, Fabrizio Corona. It is now out of the loop: "Today I do not give anything or Lele Mora, or Ruby, because here I play 3 years of my life." The fact is
attention to the process Vallettopoli: yesterday against him, the prosecution requested a sentence of three years and eight months in prison for extortion, the ruling is expected by December 2. But the Crown also acknowledges that if he continued to work "there is no newspaper that would publish, and no agency that the proposals would ", because" those photos are taken in a private environment, and then by law they are not publishable. "Those images do not we ever see, but meanwhile the versions on Bunga Bunga continue to grow . The last, revealed by Dagospia, tells of a nightclub built in the basement of Arcore that would be called so. "Of course, we have no proof, the photos are there but no one takes them out for now - says the site of Robert D 'Agostino - but other reports tell us that what is not at all ladled unsubstantiated. " The" bowl "is the tale of a theater kind of dug in Villa San Martino: Here, in its evening" relaxing " Berlusconi accommodate 5 or 6 girls dressed man. During the exhibition tells the story of disguises of all kinds. Among the most popular, the presidents of half the world: Obama, Sarkozy, Lula, Cameron, Zapatero. Every so often, shall, nevertheless the form of some minister.

Let the drop of style: if true, all that and tell Corona D'Agostino ,...... I think I would enjoy as a mandrill excited.


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